Well what do you do when you have some time on your books and no one to photograph?  Well if you are me, that time is commonly know as DRESS UP TIME for me and my girls.  They love getting all dressed up and getting their hair done, because they know afterwards they get to have their photo taken.  And boy did we have a great time the other day.  

I had a few ideas for portrait shoots and I involved my "Models" to help pan out all the details.  My youngest served as my Surfer Girl and my oldest daughter gave Alice In Wonderland a run for her money.  I had such a great day with my girls, which in this busy household doesn't happen nearly as often as I would like.  So you see even I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day life and miss some of those fleeting moments I wish would last forever.  

Til next time everyone,

7/13/2012 04:08:52 am

Great info, thx


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